
How to Dispose of Cat Litter in the UK

As a responsible cat owner in the UK, finding eco-friendly and sustainable ways to dispose of cat litter is essential. But what if you’re not sure where to start or what options are available? In this blog post, we will explore the different methods of how to dispose of cat litter UK, discuss the types of cat litter and their disposal methods, and introduce eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags. By the end of this post, you will have a greater understanding of how to dispose of cat litter in a way that minimizes environmental impact and keeps your household hygienic.

Short Summary

  • Dispose of cat litter responsibly in the UK using household waste bins or dedicated cat litter bins.
  • Consider different types of cat litter and their respective disposal methods, such as composting biodegradable varieties safely.
  • Avoid flushing down the toilet to reduce environmental impact, plumbing damage and opt for eco-friendly alternatives like compostable bags or tray liners.

Disposing of Cat Litter: The UK Guide

Disposing of cat litter in an environmentally conscious manner is crucial to minimize potential harm to our planet. In the UK, pet owners can choose from several methods for disposing of cat litter, including using household waste bins and dedicated cat litter bins. Additionally, understanding the different types of cat litter, such as clay litter and biodegradable litter, is essential for selecting the most appropriate disposal method.

Let’s explore the two main methods of disposing of cat litter in the UK: using household waste bins and dedicated cat litter bins. We will also discuss the different types of cat litter and their respective disposal methods, providing you with comprehensive guidance on responsible cat litter disposal.

Using Household Waste Bins

Most cat litters, including clay, silica, and biodegradable litters, can be disposed of in regular household waste bins. To dispose of cat litter in a household waste bin, place the litter in a biodegradable bag and secure it tightly to prevent any odours from escaping.

This method is straightforward and effective at managing cat waste in an environmentally friendly manner.

Dedicated Cat Litter Bins

Dedicated cat litter bins are containers specifically engineered to store cat litter and contain unpleasant odors. By using a dedicated cat litter bin, you can reduce the number of bags required and incorporate additional filters to inhibit unpleasant odours from escaping.

Types of Cat Litter and Their Disposal Methods

In the UK, there are various types of cat litter available, including walnut cat litter, clay-based clumping litters, and silica or tofu litters. Understanding the disposal methods for each type of cat litter is crucial for responsible cat litter management.

In the following subsections, we will discuss clay litter and biodegradable litter, their respective disposal methods, and the factors to consider when choosing the right cat litter for your feline friend.

Clay Litter

Clay litter, although a popular choice among cat owners, has some environmental drawbacks, such as strip mining that disrupts animal habitats and contaminates water sources. To dispose of clay litter, you should bag it and place it in the general waste bin, as it is not suitable for recycling.

However, using a purpose-made cat litter bin for disposing of used cat litter may be a more environmentally friendly option.

Biodegradable Litter

Biodegradable cat litter, made from materials like paper, corn, and pine, can be composted, making it an eco-friendly option. To compost biodegradable litter, remove faeces first to reduce the risk of Toxoplasmosis.

By choosing biodegradable litter and composting it properly, you can minimize your environmental footprint and promote a healthier planet.

Composting Cat Litter Safely

Composting cat litter is a viable disposal option that can help reduce waste and contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. However, it is important to compost cat litter safely and responsibly to avoid potential health risks and environmental damage.

In this section, we will explore how to create a separate compost heap for biodegradable cat litter and discuss the risks associated with Toxoplasmosis. By following these guidelines, you can safely compost your cat’s litter while minimizing any potential hazards.

Creating a Separate Compost Heap

To create a separate compost heap for biodegradable cat litter, identify a suitable location in your garden or yard that is free from any food crops and not in direct contact with the soil. Cover the compost heap with a tarp or other material to prevent any seeds from germinating and growing, and ensure that the compost heap is not used for growing edible plants.

By following these steps, you can create a safe compost heap for your cat’s biodegradable litter while minimizing its impact on the environment.

Toxoplasmosis Risks

Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by a parasite that can be found in the faeces of cats. When composting cat litter, it is essential to be aware of the risks of Toxoplasmosis and take necessary precautions, such as wearing gloves and a mask.

Although the risk of Toxoplasmosis is relatively low in the UK, it is still vital to follow proper composting guidelines to protect your health and the environment.

Why Not to Flush Cat Litter Down the Toilet

Flushing cat litter down the toilet might seem like a convenient and straightforward solution for disposing of cat waste, but it can have serious consequences for both the environment and your plumbing system. In this section, we will discuss the reasons not to flush cat litter down the toilet, including the environmental impact and potential plumbing damage.

By understanding the risks associated with flushing cat litter, you can make more informed decisions about the proper disposal methods and minimize any negative consequences.

Environmental Impact

Flushing cat litter can harm aquatic life and introduce harmful parasites into the environment. When cat litter is flushed down the toilet, it can potentially contaminate water sources and pose a risk to aquatic life. Additionally, parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii can be introduced into the environment, causing harm to other animals and even humans.

Thus, it is essential to properly dispose of cat litter and avoid flushing it down the toilet to minimize the environmental impact.

Plumbing Damage

Cat litter, especially clumping varieties, can cause severe plumbing damage due to expansion and blockages. When cat litter is flushed down the toilet, it can expand up to 15 times its original size, leading to blockages in pipes and costly repairs. In addition to these issues, disposing of cat poop in this manner is not recommended.

To avoid plumbing damage and the potential for flooding, it is crucial to dispose of cat litter using the methods discussed earlier in this blog post, such as using household waste bins or dedicated cat litter bins.

Eco-Friendly Alternatives to Plastic Bags

While plastic bags may seem like an easy and convenient way to dispose of cat litter, they contribute to plastic waste and have a negative impact on the environment. Luckily, there are eco-friendly alternatives to plastic bags available for cat litter disposal, such as compostable cat litter waste bags and cat litter tray liners.

In this section, we will explore these eco-friendly alternatives and discuss their benefits in reducing plastic waste and promoting a more sustainable lifestyle for cat owners.

Compostable Cat Litter Waste Bags

Compostable cat litter waste bags are leakproof, 100% plastic-free, and compostable, making them an environmentally friendly option for disposing of cat litter. These bags are available in the UK from companies such as FurryMate and Green Poop Bag, offering sustainable and effective solutions for managing cat waste.

By using compostable cat litter waste bags, you can significantly reduce your pet waste and contribute to a cleaner and greener environment by properly disposing of them in a green waste bin.

Cat Litter Tray Liners

Cat litter tray liners are another eco-friendly solution for cat waste management, offering easy clean-up and reduced plastic waste. These liners can be made from various materials, such as plastic, paper, and biodegradable options, and help maintain a fresh litter tray while prolonging its lifespan.

By utilizing cat litter tray liners, you can not only simplify the process of cleaning your cat’s litter tray, but also reduce your plastic waste and support a more sustainable lifestyle.


In conclusion, disposing of cat litter in the UK can be done in an environmentally friendly and responsible manner. By utilizing household waste bins, dedicated cat litter bins, or composting cat litter, you can minimize your environmental impact and ensure a hygienic home for you and your feline friend. Additionally, eco-friendly alternatives such as compostable cat litter waste bags and cat litter tray liners can help reduce plastic waste and promote a more sustainable lifestyle. By following the guidelines and recommendations in this blog post, you can contribute to a cleaner and greener future for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I put cat litter in my general waste bin?

Pet waste such as cat litter and dog faeces should be bagged and put in the general waste bin.

Always use biodegradable poop bags to ensure our parks don’t get contaminated.

What bin should cat litter go in?

Cat litter should be disposed of in the rubbish bin – it isn’t suitable for recycling due to potential health risks.

Can you put cat litter down the toilet UK?

The Keep It Clear programme advises against flushing cat litter down the toilet, along with other items such as wipes and sanitary items.

Is it OK to dump cat litter outside?

No, it is not OK to dump cat litter outside as it can cause contaminated cat feces to enter the air. Doing so can also be harmful to the environment and can lead to unpleasant smells.

What types of cat litter are suitable for composting?

Biodegradable cat litter made from paper, corn, and pine is an ideal choice for composting.

It is a sustainable and eco-friendly option that helps reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills. It is also a great way to reduce the amount of plastic used in traditional cats.